When I saw "This is..." I said JOHN CENA!
🍊 G/t art account 🍊 Occasional gore/horror/suggestiveness 🍊
Holly summoner
Look above your doorframe
Joined on 3/26/15
When I saw "This is..." I said JOHN CENA!
That gives me an idea for my next news post... :v
It's working!!!
Yay for me! :D
How are you?
I'm fine. Was about to head straight to bed until I decided to go back to NG. :v
Didn't you know that Newgrounds is a magnet for our minds?
A magnetic magnet magnetized out of magnets made in a magnetic magnide magnet of magnets .
So that's why this place is so 'attractive'...
I guess you could say,
you fell for it. :v
Nothing can repel us from here.
Rats,fooled again...
*evil laugh* :v